RMIT Report: Implementing Sustainability in the Built Environment

RMIT University’s Centre for Urban Research has released a report, Implementing Sustainability in the Built Environment, that examines existing planning and building systems in relation to their sustainability goals. The report looks at ways to improve current policy and regulatory frameworks and implementation.

Existing policies and best practice was reviewed and researchers found that despite sustainability goals being present in government strategy documents, the building codes and planning systems in place are not achieving these goals. NSW is highlighted as the only Australian state or territory without serious gaps in sustainability legislation and enforcement.

Four key issues are outlined in the report as challenges and opportunities to implementing sustainability in the built environment.

  1. The gap between the planning and building system;
  2. Weaknesses in the planning system;
  3. Governance, inconsistencies and coordination; and
  4. Improving the system – networks and advocacy.

The report calls for building and planning regulations to contain clear and enforceable standards and for increased collaboration between all levels of government.

More information here.

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